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Start: Mar 16 2013
End: Apr 20 2013

“OHM”: Jean-Sébastien Lallemand Solo exhibition

…”Ohm” conjures up the word “Homme” but also the “Home” of “Homeless” (or even the “Om” of the mantras). To his drawing talents, Seba Lallemand has more recently added that of making China ink or methylene blue “bubbles”; he blows through a glass funnel and turns around his sheets of paper in a sort of ballet, his movements reminiscing Jackson Pollock’s. It is from all these wanderings, that he extracted the drawings that make up “Ohm”…

The bubble rises up and is pierced by the tip of the air; the shreds of its former life floating down onto the paper. The promethean dancer may pour his whole energy into reaching the height of the bubble; yet he will never be able to push his physical being when his goal never stops limiting his movements. Seba brings him back to the page where the bubble is perched. He places his promethean dancer onto the photograph and leans over it to stare at what he sees. Seba stares at the ground to create a painting which he will name Pinocchio.

From the ground emerge craters and black holes, meteorites and suns, a head and a body. Who knows what is created, if this body and this head are the fruit borne of Seba’s work. Those materials that he mixes and kneads, do they pierce the bubble and tear the dancer apart? From the bubbles that pop, from the dancer who throws himself, from the painting that emerges from the ground … is this the chain of creation? Are these works of art created in the same organic way the world was? The only truth known for certain is the deep and encompassing unity of these three forces in Seba’s work.

Max Fullenbaum